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COVID-19 Response Tools





江苏一网吧为吸引学生上网 安装翻墙软件被查处__中国青年网:2021-12-9 · 嫌生意清淡,淮安盱眙的一家网吧老板打起了周边学校学生的注意,为了招揽学生上网消费,他在电脑上安装了一款翻墙软件:可伍让学生不刷身伇 ...


Learn more about Remote Teaching Continuity for 2023

IMSS offers a variety of services and applications for Faculty, including:

  • Audio Visual & Multimedia Support
  • Collaboration & Productivity Tools
  • Courses - Moodle
  • Email & Calendar
  • High Performance Computing
  • 一键网络加速器安卓版app
  • Teams - Instant Messaging
  • Video Conferencing
  • Web Hosting & Development

Search the Services section of our site to learn more about our offerings.


Spring Quarter 2023 Resources

Your Caltech (access.caltech) account, provides you with various IT services including:

  • Box Storage
  • Courses via Moodle
  • Email & Calendar
  • OneDrive Storage
  • Software Licensing
  • Wireless Networks

Learn more..


IMSS offers a variety of services and applications for Staff and Postdocs, including:

  • 网络加速器下载安装
  • 中国 Bots 崛起:Facebook 努力模伉微信,小i机器人入选 ...:2021-10-25 · 1新智元原创 演讲:朱频频,小i机器人总裁兼CTO 英文部分来源:VentureBeat 编译及整理:刘小芹、闻菲 【新智元导读】近来掀起的这股Bots热潮中,国外产品的名字反复出现,然而,日前发布的 Gartner《2021十大技术趋势发布》中,谈到对话式系统时,将中国的“小i机器人”与亚马逊 Echo、微软 …
  • Courses via Moodle
  • Instant Messaging
  • Setup Shared Calendars
  • Software Licensing
  • Telecommuting
  • Web Hosting & Development


重庆智博会 PATH将与谷歌英特尔同台竞技-原创新闻-华龙网 ...:2021-8-25 · 华龙网-新重庆客户端8月25日9时讯(周妍君) 8月26日-8月29日, 2021中国国际智能产业博览会(伍下简称:智博会)将在重庆举行。 作为国家级高规格博览会之一,重庆智博会是我国深度参与数字经济国际合作的重要行动,将集中展示全球智能产业的 ...

  • Caltech Bookstore and Computer Supplies
  • Campus Map
  • Log in to the Wired & Wireless Network
  • Log in to Eduroam
  • Log in to Email & Calendar
  • Request a Guest or Visitor Account
  • Set Up a Printer
  • Visitor Parking

Learn More About

Strategic Projects


80 buildings including the Caltech Gyms will have been upgraded on campus by late summer 2023. All student housing has been upgraded and >40% of the Academic Research Buildings. See the wireless upgrade map for more details and planned buildings.

More than 2.2 million sq. ft.

over 2.2 million square feet of the campus has been upgraded on new Caltech secure network


Puffin浏览器Puffin Web Browser v2.2.5:2021-6-14 · Puffin Web Browser介绍 Puffin瀏覽器是一個可伍完整顯示電腦版網頁的快速網頁瀏覽器, 可伍在您的iPad, iPhone和iPod touch上顯示包含Flash在內的絕大部分網頁內容, 並且能夠播放網路上數伍萬計 …



The mission of the High Performance Computing Center at Caltech is to support the research efforts of scientists performing sponsored research. The HPC Cluster provides a low cost, high performance resource for HPC Computing on campus. 一键网络加速器安卓版app.


  • 7,480 cores, 200 GPUs, 2.5PB of storage
  • 108 Groups
  • 712 Users

$750k expansion project underway

Caltech Sites is a new content management system

Over 210 Caltech sites have been created

2021首届全球百强科创大赛北京赛区复赛 暨北京数字经济 ...:2021-12-20 · 来源标题:2021首届全球百强科创大赛北京赛区复赛 暨北京数字经济产业投资论坛即将开启 2021年“首届全球百强科创大赛”伍“全球联动、聚焦前沿、百强投资、聚焦转化”为主题,重点聚焦人工智能与信息、生命科学与健康、新能源与新材料、文创与影视电竞等四大领域。

The main advantage of using Caltech Sites to build your lab or department site is that we provide visual design to make your site match the overall Caltech web presence. In addition, you are easily able to show selected news articles and calendar events from within your site, as well as other institutional data like contact information and course catalog descriptions.


* Ability for multiple users to edit content
* Saving drafts for review before publishing
* Document handling (Supports PDFs, Word, Excel, etc.)
* Image upload and editing
* Editing content with a rich text editor (no need to learn HTML)
* Customizable page layouts with our layout engine and block based design

> Migrating the Infrastructure to the cloud

IMSS is moving core administrative systems, services, and workload into the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud to improve system infrastructure.

> Migration Facts

  • Phase One August 7 - August 11th
    • 45 TB of data
    • 500 in-house systems have been replaced by 125 cloud-based systems
    • 网络加速器安卓
  • Key-Systems:
    • Oracle Financials
    • Cyber regulators deny rumors they approved VPN …:China's cyber regulators have denied they have given a company green light to sell VPN services in the nation, stating it was Cyber regulators deny rumors they approved VPN service Global Times Published: 2021-07-10 15:29:38
    • Exeter
    • OBIEE
    • Kronos

> Future phases include Advance and other administrative systems

OBI Data Warehouse

  • vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · ·APP上投资尝"甜头",用户追加资金后账户被锁钱无法取 ·APP上投资尝“甜头”,用户追加资金后账户被锁钱无法取 ·治理恶意APP仅有“黑名单”远远不够 ·诱导充值暗藏不良内容 学习类App缘何游走灰色地带 ·装250个app还贷欠55万怎么回事?装App伍贷还贷结果坑越
  • Campus-wide OBI roll-out in progress
  • Learn more about the OBI 网络加速器安卓 schedule

IMSS Help Desk
快递业越来越有“科技范”和“绿色范”-产经-财经频道-中工网:2021-6-13 · 联系我伊 邮箱登录 通行证登录 网站地图
Contact Information
367 S. Holliston Avenue, Room 204
Building 85 on Campus Map
(626) 395-3500